The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the temporal bone (skull) to the lower jaw (mandible). TMJ syndrome refers to the condition when these joint and chewing muscles become painful or struck.

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders affect thousands of people each year all over the world. TMD or Temporomandibular dysfunction is characterized by a certain locked feeling of the jaw as well as a number of other symptoms. (1)

While there is usually no real threat to your dental health from these conditions, you can be considerably inconvenienced by the associated pain. People who have a history of grinding or clenching their teeth, jaw injury, bad posture or anxiety are more prone to suffering from Temporomandibular dysfunction. (2)

It is best to have the problem looked at before it gets worse. The following are some of the most common symptoms for TMJ disorders that you can spot on your own.

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorders have a number of symptoms other than the pain itself. However, according to a case study most patients suffering from TMJ do not realize that these symptoms are interrelated. (3)

As a result, they fail to mention them to their dentists and never get the treatment they need. The following is a list of symptoms that indicate towards a TMJ disorder. If you have any of these, consult a dentist immediately.

1. Neck and shoulder pain
2. Severe migraines and accompanying headaches
3. Stiffness in the jaw muscle
4. Locked jaw with limited mobility
5. Clicking when moving jaw with grating sensation when moving it
6. Difficulty in biting properly
7. Earaches, sense of pressure and ringing.
8. Reduced auditory sensitivity
9. Vision problem with accompanying dizziness
10. Dental sensitivity

Generally speaking, TMJ syndrome can be caused by a number of factors. Genetics, dental injury, stress and many other factors can individually or in combination lead to Temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). (4)

However, the treatment for the condition remains largely the same. The following is a general overview of how you can control TMD or how your dentist will see to the condition if you have a serious problem.
