7 Facts about TMJ Disorder You Probably Didn’t Know

Temporomandibular joint disorder is a condition that causes pain in the jaw muscles and jaw joint. This condition has been recorded throughout history but conclusive treatments have been devised only in the past few decades. (1) The problem with TMJ disorder is that...

Treating TMJ Disorder

There are three traditional methods the mainstream medicines uses to treat TMJ disorder: 1) Medication Medication is often prescribed for mild forms of TMD. This can alleviate any associated pain and also help the jaw muscle relax. The different kinds of medications...

Suffering TMJ Disorder, Try This

Are you suffering from throbbing facial pain? Or, are you chewing with great difficulty lately because of pain in your jaw? Then, TMJ disorder might be the one to be blamed. Due to cartilage damage or misalignment, it becomes problematic to close or open mouth. Even...

Dealing With TMJ Disorder Symptoms?

If your jaw makes a clicking sound every now and then and causes a huge discomfort and pain, then it could be a TMJ disorder or Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMD). TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint, the joint acts as a hinge between the jaw and the skull. Your...

Diagnosing TMJ Disorder

TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint disorders, is a very common type of jaw problem. It can happen to anyone and can be hard to detect because very few people outside of dentistry circles know about them. Still, there are some very obvious and telltale signs that you have...

The Basics of TMJ Disorders

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) connects the temporal bone (skull) to the lower jaw (mandible). TMJ syndrome refers to the condition when these joint and chewing muscles become painful or struck. Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders affect thousands of people...